Have you been wondering if your little one is ready for nursery?

Have you been thinking about the next step for your little one? Are you not sure if they are ready for early education?

At Little Foxes we want to make sure all of our families feel fully supported and able to ask questions. This quick quiz is designed to help you understand what stage your little one is at and whether they are ready for nursery.

5 Star Facilities For Your Child

Here's a small sample of some of the great things your child can enjoy when they join our setting, including weekly visits to the library and the local park.

Our Maghull Site


Our Amazing Outdoor Area


Our Pre School Area

We're proud to be associated with...

We are Ofsted Registered.

We are proud to support Marie Curie

Our parents recommend us on DayNurseries.co.uk

We are proud members of the National Day Nurseries Association.

Funded Places

FREE 30 hours for 3/4 years & FREE 15 hours for 2 years

Little Foxes Nursery

57A Foxhouse La, Liverpool L31 3EW

Little Foxes Maghull Nursery ©2019 All Rights Reserved